Feel Good Living Shay Ramsee Feel Good Living Shay Ramsee

Beyond the Perfect Body Trap: How I Built My Own Definition of Strength (A Complete Guide)

Let me share something personal with you. I used to be that person at the gym, going through the motions with my personal trainer ex, doing everything “right” but feeling completely disconnected.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to read my blog post “Beyond the Scale: A Letter to Women Chasing External Validation,” where I share my full journey. But for now, let me tell you - I was chasing an image, not health - and that’s exactly why it wasn’t working.

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Feel Good Living Shay Ramsee Feel Good Living Shay Ramsee

Beyond the Scale: A Letter to Women Chasing External Validation

I used to stand in front of the gym mirror, going through the motions of another workout routine my personal trainer ex had written for me.

The movements were perfect, but something was missing - my heart wasn't in it. Maybe you've been there too - doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons, showing up for someone else's dreams while yours sit quietly in the corner.

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